When CNN was calling New York State the epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic, an email came to BodyTalk Access Trainer and Practitioner, Remar Soliza, in the Philippines. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Soliza had been offering BodyTalk sessions to COVID-19 patients together with other Filipino BodyTalk practitioners. The letter from New York said:

“My brother is in great pain. His face is bloated, his lips have become so thick, and so has his nose. He feels a huge lump has grown inside his ear, so it feels terrible when touched. He has an unbearable headache, please help … there is nobody here to help us. He prays without ceasing … this is all he can do.”

After noting his name, birth date and birthplace, Soliza focused in on the sick man and performed a full BodyTalk session remotely from his hometown in Batangas, Philippines.

Soliza received a reply the next day. The man reported great relief for both him and his brother:

“Thank you, what a difference from yesterday! The body pains are gone, he is now so calm in spirit, even his ear and toothaches are gone. I must say he was really over-stressed — his son is a problem and his relationship with his wife is not going well.”

The man promised to get in touch again for a follow-up session, but not before expressing his profuse thanks to the BodyTalk practitioner 10,000 miles away.

Story submitted by Marilen Abesamis